When doing a video game parody you have to make sure you do it just right, or else it will be fucked up and not funny. You went beyond that.
You not only used little animation expecting that since it was anime people would like it, but you added random shitty jokes to go with it.
It's as if you took EVERY SINGLE overused joke that we've heard over and over, and shoved it into this poorly tweened piece of garbage.
What the fuck does the King from Zelda CDi have to do with Street Fighter? Sonic the Hedgehog? Frosted Flakes? Guacamole? Taco Bell? OH YOU SAID FUCK. Kanye West? I could seriously make the list keep going.
None of these things have to do with Street Fighter. The point of a VIDEO GAME PARODY is to fucking parody the video game. Not to throw random overused memes into this. You have made some unoriginal garbage, but this is by far the worst. You're probably wondering "Did I laugh?"
No. This was a comedy, and you failed to make the audience laugh. You in fact did the opposite. This was so unfunny it actually pissed me off.
If you've read this and haven't watched this abortion - please don't.
Its seriously the angriest I've been in a long time.
Please think about your work before you submit it.