God Damn it Jeff
The artwork is beautiful, the animation is smooth, and backgrounds are great.
Your color schemes always get my chode stiff.
God Damn it Jeff
The artwork is beautiful, the animation is smooth, and backgrounds are great.
Your color schemes always get my chode stiff.
Really Great
(+ 0.036)
I must say, although I've always enjoyed your cartoons and have always admired your frame by frame Hulalaoo, this was outstanding work.
The sound fit perfectly, the sound effects were necessary and suspenseful and really added depth to the cartoon. Most people that do music videos (or use music to their animation) don't add sound effects. In this case it only enhanced the experience.
The plot was a cliche anime of people fighting in robots and you pulled it off very well. You actually made the fight scene between the two fast, intense, and actually kept me interested. Most people who try to do giant robot fights make it slow and clunky, with a lot of dialogue.
The thing I admire most, and the thing that this was about, was the animation. I was seriously wow'd when I watched it. Not only is the frame by frame excellent, the line work is as well, not to mentioned you've shaded the entire thing. It looks TV quality if not better. You only improve every time you do a cartoon man, and I'm being honest when I say you're becoming amazing.
Enough dick-suckery.
10/10 man, seriously awesome job. I look forward to future projects of yours.
psychicpebble approval ! YEAH
Nice Job Dood
Nice job dude.
The art style was NICE AND SMOOTH for my taste, all of the lines looked really good and the color choice was fun to look at, with the lack of backgrounds that is. The grey backgrounds only work, I think, if the characters too are very simplistic and have no color. It worked alright for this since the focus is on the characters and writing rather than the backgrounds or artwork. I always love your style, though.
The animation was also extremely smooth and pleasant to look at as always. Your frame by frame and easing is getting extremely good man. Even simple hand movements look great. Great on the animation aspect as always.
The audio aspect was also nice. You and Max both had good microphones, they were nice and clear, and no pops or anything. The little loop is also enjoyable.
The writing aspect is probably why I reviewed this. If this was scripted it would probably lose it's touch to me. Max's extreme up forward dialogue actually made it a bit funny. Not often people use the word cunt or fuck so nonchalantly. Fantasia and Yotam's responses were funny and made for a fun time. I actually didn't laugh at loud but this is really enjoyable. I've ended up watching it like 5 times. I wouldn't expect anyones improve to be laugh out loud funny, so don't take that personally. The punch line was also great for improv.
One small thing that bothered me was the lip synch. I brought this up in a previous video. It appears to be a loop of lips. I can see obvious points when they say "F" or "L" and it matches, but other times it seems a bit random. Try to make the tongue stick out more when they say "th" or make the tongue more visible when they say "L", and so on. It really adds a lot to the movie, although it seems rather insignificant. That is really the only problem I had wiff dis.
I took off a few points because of the length. It was a little bit too short, but I'm also sort of half being a hypocrite. I'm glad you didn't keep going after the punch line, it would have ruined it. Some cartoons do that. I'd rather something be too short than too long. If it's too short, it means people wanted more. If people are complaining it was too long, that probably isn't a great thing.
So good job overall man, I really enjoyed it.
Also, did you add in Yotam's lines over after the whole thing was recorded?
Thanks for the great comment.
The questions were done in real time, but 80% of the reactions were added later on. This went through heavy editing, hopefully it's not that noticeable.
Christ Jesus
At first I thought the initial punch line was just the kid saying; "I want to smoke crack", and if it would have ended there, no doubt would the score be lower.
The animation was fairly good, a bit choppy at a few points, and the hands sometimes bothered me, but other than that, the animation was pretty good.
The artwork I did like. The colors were nice and vibrant, and the character design was pleasant to look at. It was overall very nice.
The voices and sound was also very well done! The voices, I think, made it a lot funnier. They were very clear and funny.
The script is where I love this. The writing is absolutely funny man, when the homeless guy started shitting I lost it. I actually laughed out loud. The only thing that killed it a bit for me was the kid shouting; "I don't wanna smoke crack!". I personally would have just had the kid crying and the old guy shitting everywhere, but that's just me. It made me laugh regardless.
Nicely done man, I hope to see more from you in the future.
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! You also spotted a huge weakness of mine - I can't draw hands. It's pretty embarrassing too, considering I have two reference models right in front of me at all times.
Awesome Work
This was actually really entertaining.
The animation is where I give you guys kudos, because honestly, even though it was a bit overly tweened for my taste, you made it work. The quality looked almost to the par of Television! The artwork is in the same vein for me, I loved the style, especially the hands for some reason. Sometimes the faces bothered me, and I'm not sure exactly why. But for the most part I loved the unique style.
The music was very fitting for this and you used it at the perfect times that you should have. The voices were pretty good overall and suited the characters quite well. The dialogue was believable and entertaining. Only issue I had with the audio was at a few small spots there was a lack of sound or music, and it was a bit awkward. When things would crash or people would do something, I was expecting a sound effect, even a subtle one, but it was dead silent. That is the only problem I had with the audio, something very small but I thought I should point it out for future projects.
The writing is where I get a bit upset about this whole thing. I reviewed in the first place because the animation was really eye catching and great, but when watching it I couldn't help but feel like it was missing something.
Flash cartoons really abide by the same rules as video games and movies. That is, even if the movie/video game has awesome effects, actors, etc, the movie/game can still be poorly done JUST because of story or the writing.
Don't get me wrong, the writing was average, but the jokes and especially the punch line is where it lacked the most for me. Using the word "butt" felt really awkward for some reason to me. The fact that there was minimal blood from the bullet wound was also a bit strange to watch. The story was really scattered to me, and I was a bit confused when watching. I mean, I knew what was going on, but it just felt like this happens, then this happens, etc. No rhythm to the writing, and I predicted the ending from the start when Pico was overly concerned about his birthday getting screwed up.
I did, however, love the JohnnyUtah joke about him having his hands blocking his face the whole time, that gave me a smile. Other than that small gag, I didn't grin once. I enjoyed this a great deal, but didn't think it was funny.
In my opinion, if you're going to go for funny, go at it as hard as you can, or the whole thing feels a bit awkward to watch. I knew you were making jokes but didn't find them all that appealing. Other than that, great job.
Keep up the excellent work man.
I totally agree with you and would probably think the same way if I were to watch this. Up until I joined NG, I was just an animator so you can say that I rarely got the pratice to write stuff. But I am trying to learn something new everyday especially in writing. Appreciate the constructive review man!
I Was Going to Leave You a Massive Review...
But I decided not too.
There's so little to complain about, so I'll make this quick.
The animation and art was, subtly put, fucking amazing. The FBF in this one was not only the best in "Leo & Satan", but in your entire animation career man.
The backgrounds were simply amazing also, BRAWVO to sucho. But she always does a brilliant job so it comes as no surprise the artwork was amazing.
The music, sound effects, and voices flowed perfectly. Especially the characters voices getting very over-dramatically involved.
Like I said the music was phenomenal as always.
The story and script is where some people are beginning to complain.
Let me clarify something. This episode is hilarious, simply put. People are getting confused, though. The humor is not less in this episode, rather, DIFFERENT than previous episodes. This is a different comedic style than the ones used in previous episodes. The jokes and gags are all hilarious, and I actually found myself laughing out loud just as much, IF NOT THE SAME as in previous episodes. So great job there man.
Overall, essentially flawless.
good job u fukin irish kunt
if you leave me anotha review with critisism im kallin da police
Really good man. I loved the animation style and the James Bond esque action sequences, how the credits were interwoven into the animation.
The music was also lovely, I've listened to it like 3 times.
The only problems I have are only two or so instances, where it stops/slows down, or lags and characters disappear or reappear. I cant blame you though, the scenes and angles were very hard to do.
I'd love to see this as a series someday.
Really Good
I enjoyed this.
I was a little upset as a few people were with your increasingly lazy animation and story telling in WGJ4K, but I'd say you redeemed yourself with this one.
The animation was brilliant, some of the finest frame by frame animation I've seen in a long time. The scene where the fisherman opens the door already impressed me, along with various other head motions. There were a few tween-heavy scenes, but it was very tolerable because they didn't come that often, and everything before and after them were heavy frame by frame.
The voice acting was also very professional, props to Jon for such an amazing job. A few lines were a bit awkward the way he said them, but the microphone quality was crystal clear and very engaging. His emotion was definitely in it.
The musical pieces you used were very fitting for the occasion, and that song you continually used was also fitting, yet somehow eerie at the points you used it. I'm not sure what it is about that song, just really eerie to me the way you used it, and I love it. Like I said, excellent use of music and they were thrown in at the perfect moments and enhanced my already blood filled erection tenfold.
Art style was also unique and nice. The characters facial expressions stayed very true to the situation, he was never doing something he shouldn't have been doing. The dog also had a fun and unique style. The background art was some of my favorite from you, it was brilliantly colored and looked nice. That shot of how large the area he is in is a really good angle that sets the mood of how lonely and just how trapped this guy is.
The script and overall story is where I have a few problems. Some things just made no sense to me. This guy leaves his keys in his car? Why did the dog jump out of the window? Why not just have the door fly open and have the dog run out of the door? Some things like that sort of ruined the moment for me.
I could let all of that go if it weren't for the ending.
I'm being brutally honest, it was awful Max.
You CAN'T have the build up like this and have a comedic ending to it. It never works out. It's never a good idea to mix genres of movies. Comedy and scary don't mix. It's like when you ended WGJ4K on a serious note. It just doesn't fit, and ruins it, in my opinion. I was really excited and thrilled when watching this, then the ending came, and I was just sitting there almost upset.
You could have ended it with the dark figures approaching him and he screams as it cuts to black. Hell, even if you were going for comedy, furries ARE NOT COMEDY. Memes, ARE NOT COMEDY. Don't use them. I wouldn't even mind if you'd of just ended it really fast, but it dragged on for much longer than it should have, which makes it even more unfunny.
All I'm saying is, don't set people up with drama/horror and end it with comedy. Make the ending match the buildup, otherwise, it doesn't work and completely kills the mood. I understand what you were going for, but come on.
Furries are a cheap laugh. Why not just have pedobear?
This isn't to say I didn't enjoy it and I won't watch it again, because I probably will. Keep doing dramatic films, you're quite good at them.
Love the animation, wasn't a fan of the ending.
Really good.
That Psychicpebble Guy Sure Is a Fag
This was the best interpretation of my story anyone could have ever done.
Sheer brilliance. It also scared the shit out of me.
Thatta Girl
This is one of the most accurate depictions of Newgrounds I've seen.
You nailed Toms voice.
I love you.
I am a man.
Age 32
Joined on 4/22/08