please make more
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please make more
please do more
my favorite
<3 <3 Thank you Zachypooo it is best PoArn in World. I was waiting fir ur voices but u never sent them :( So i uploaded it now!! As a Christmas Special!! FyayyYyayayyayayayayyayayyayyayyyyy!!!!!
Come On
Wow. If this is what passes as sad and moving now, I have lost faith in humanity.
The graphics weren't anything more than super pixelated simplistic people. If you were going to go for pixelated like that, why not at least make it fun to look at instead of making me cringe. The characters and backgrounds were far too simplistic and ugly to look at, and the colors were meh. If you were going for a sad theme, use a sad color scheme at least dude.
The animation was minimal if not non existent all together. The only animation at all was the main characters feet moving one pixel up and down.
The music was the only good thing about this, and you even managed to fuck that up. The loop comes to a dead stop and silence lasts for about 10 seconds at the graveyard scene, and it is extremely awkward and kills any mood you were attempting to set. Silence is good for setting a mood, but only if you hold it long enough. You held the silence for 10 seconds and played the loop right away again. You didn't even fade it in or out, it just starts playing.
The story is where I have a massive issue. This is a laughably bad and simple story. Man's wife dies. I was extremely entertained by how vague her death was, "WHY HAVE YOU DIED", you're not going to eventually tell how she died? No story development? No character arch? Jesus, you could've ended it with him accepting her death, the message being it's alright to move on. Even something HORRIBLY cheesy and cliche like her fucking staring down at him from Heaven (or looking up from Hell) would've been more deep and "touching" than this.
This is literally the story. Man's wife dies. Man sad. Man kill self.
WOW, some really innovative writing and storytelling right there. The dialogue is also extremely laughable. The part with the old man dying made me laugh really hard. Dialogue is meant to reflect peoples emotions and further the story. You did nothing about that. You could tell from the first shot that they were at a funeral, and the music told the audience to feel sad. You telling us someone fucking died does nothing except for make the viewer shrug and say, "Yeah, they're at a funeral. People are sad, keep the story going". But it didn't. The story kept stating the fucking obvious.
The "sigh" parts were really beyond stupid.
I hate to sound like a dick, but I'm not even sure how anyone could cry from this or even feel like crying. It is laughably bad.
Next time you're going to make something sad, make sure you have the story go somewhere, and make the dialogue things human beings would say. Make the character have an arch, even if it's a small one. Someone killing themselves is the opposite of that.
You can do much better, and the fact anyone is enjoying this is beyond me.
Fun, But Much Too Difficult
I want to give you a 6.5, because this really doesn't deserve a 7, but giving a 6 is much too harsh. Virtual scores don't matter, though, and critique does.
The artwork was good. Not great for "sprites", but by no means bad. It was rather simplistic, which is a good look to pull off. It could have had more detail, too. It was the same enemies, same character, and same background.
The sound is also a big problematic. It was good but the loop got sickening very fast, and the bouncing sound effects were nauseating. I realize this is a pixel styled game, but there are plenty of Newgrounds artists who would have loved to contribute their music to this game. Mix the sound track up a bit.
The animation was almost non existent. The only real animation was the character and enemies, and they only had two or so frames. Like I said, change it up a little bit, it gets sickening after a while.
The difficulty is where I have the biggest issue I've played hard games before, but this literally took me hundreds of tries. Seriously, fire your programmer or get a new one. The hit detection was off, so it was extremely awkward and difficult to pull off the easiest of maneuvers. This game would be a lot better if the programming was at least sub par. That's not to say it's horrible, but it's decent and simplistic. For a game like this, I'd suggest to get a more advanced programmer.
The game was fun over all, and has me coming back to play it, but I find myself quitting and doing something else because of the intense difficulty.
I look forward to your future projects, as this game is very addictive and fun.
Keep em comin'.
I Fucking Love This
Turned out beautifully.
You did an awesome job dude, SO HERE'S A 10.
aaa <3
This is going to go great in our game that we will never make lololololol
Nice Song
The lyrics were smooth and good, not to mention funny. People need to realize that riding someone about something will make them not want to do it MORE.
Like I said, nice job Psycho. I'll be looking for chat next week like you said.
the way charlie is looking at pim gives me an upset belly....................................................
this freakin rocks
Holy moly! Thanks Zach!
i really feel like i'm there with him and he's looking deep within my eye and into my spirit (aka soul)
Age 32
Joined on 4/22/08